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VTML and vtml.org is in alpha and under active development. Use at your own risk


VTML is in alpha. Use at own risk.


Several of our tags can be classed as logic tags in that they conditionally render their contents.

Here we will have a closer look at a few of them.


The most literal of the logic tags is <v-if>.

<v-unless> works in exactly the same way as <v-if> but inverses the logic so that the expression must be false (or falsey).

In it's most basic usage <v-if> just checks if the variable at target is truthy:

<v-json target=$foo >"bar"</v-json>

<v-if $foo >foo is truthy</v-if>   <!-- will render -->
<v-if $bar >bar is truthy</v-if>   <!-- will not render as bar is undefined -->

And of course <v-unless> does the opposite.

<v-json target=$foo >"foo"</v-json>

<v-unless $foo >foo is truthy</v-unless>   <!-- will not render as foo is truthy -->
<v-unless $bar >bar is truthy</v-unless>   <!-- will render as bar is undefined -->

We can also check if a variable is equal to either a litteral or another variable

<v-json target=$foo >"foo"</v-json>
<v-json target=$foo_again >"foo"</v-json>

<v-if $foo eq="foo" >matches litteral</v-if>
<v-if $foo eq=$foo_again >matches variable</v-if>

But we can also do some more complex numeric comparisons.

<v-json target=$foo >22</v-json>

<v-if $foo gt="20" >is greater than 10</v-if>
<v-if $foo lt="100" >is less than 10</v-if>