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VTML and vtml.org is in alpha and under active development. Use at your own risk


VTML is in alpha. Use at own risk.



Variables can be referenced with the $ symbol.

{ "foo":"bar" }

If our variable is an object or an array we can dereference it with ..



Setting variables

Some tags can set variables to be used in subsequent tags.

Here is an example that uses <v-json> which parses it's body and sets the variable in the target attribute

<v-json target=$foo >
{ "bar":22 }

<p>foo.bar = $foo.bar</p>

Using variables

In vtml variables always cascade down and inwards.

Take the following example:

<v-json target=$foo >22</v-json> <!-- Here we set $foo to 22 -->
<p>$foo</p>                       <!-- And here we use the variable -->

All is well as the variable foo was declared and then used in the next element.

We cannot use a variable before it is set.

<p>$foo</p>                         <!-- ERROR: The variable has not been set yet -->
<v-json target=$foo >"Wut?"</v-json>

A variable cannot be used from a higher frame.

<div>                                   <!-- An ordinary div that will be rendered by the page -->
    <v-json target=$bar >"Woo"</v-json> <!-- Set $bar to "Woo" indide the div -->
    <p>$bar</p>                         <!-- OK: Here we can use the variable -->
<p>$bar</p>                        <!-- ERROR: $bar was scoped to the div so we cannot see it now -->

Where can I use variables

For all inbult HTML tags (and any tags not starting with v-) all attributes and the body can use variables.


<!-- Using both the $color and $name variables -->
<div style="color:$color" >$name</div>

However Attribute names can not be templated. e.g.

<!-- BAD: Cannot template attribute name. No templating will happen -->
<div $attr="color:red" ></div>

For v- tags you may need to refer to the reference page as some attributes and bodies can be templated and some can not. Also there are a few tags with special templating rules like v-nodejs.


There are some special cases around forms where the attributes cannot be templated.

Such as the name on inputs/switches

<!-- BAD: Cannot template name -->
<input name="$foo" />

And the method of forms

<!-- BAD: Cannot template method -->
<form method="$method" >...</form>

See the forms page for more information

Root variables

Root variables are globaly available variables that describe the incoming request.

$.pathThe currently requested path/tutorial/variables
$.matchedPathWhich page (or root) was matched/tutorial/:id
$.paramsAny variables caught by the page string{ id:"variables" }
$.searchThe whole search string added to the url?foo=bar
$.querySearch variables added to the url as an object{ foo:"bar" }
$.methodThe http verb used to request the pageGET
$.bodyRequest body when using form actions{ newFoo:"bar" }
$.headersAll request headers (always lower case){ accept:"text/html" }
$.cookiesAny cookies sent by the client{ skey:"123" }

Root variables are always available by using the $. prefix on variables.

<p>Request path is $.path </p>