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VTML and vtml.org is in alpha and under active development. Use at your own risk


VTML is in alpha. Use at own risk.


Pages allow us to create multiple pages within out website.

The only tag for creating pages is <v-page>.

When the loader reaches an <v-page> tag it will only display if the path matches the current request.

For eaxmple:


    <h1>Title</h1>   <!-- This will always be displayed -->

  <v-page path="/tutorial" >
    I'm the tutorial page

  <v-page path="/reference" >
    I'm the reference page


If pages are nested then the full path must be used on all subsequent pages.

<v-page path="/tutorial" >

  <v-page path="/tutorial/pages" >
    <p>Some very interesting documentation...</p>

Paramater variables can also be used in pages and are available under the root-dataset.

<v-page path="/user/:userid" >
    <p>Viewing $.params.userid</p>

Note that the path is not templated and will be renderer as-is.

This is because pages are defined at loading time not on request.

<v-page path="/user/$id" >  <!-- Will not be templated -->

The tag <v-index> can be used when we want to match a page path exactly.

<v-page path="/user" >
  <!-- This header will show for all /user pages -->
  <header>Users page</header>

  <!-- This will only show when the path is '/user' -->
    Select a user to continue

  <!-- This will only show when the path is '/user/:userid' -->
  <v-page path="/user/:userid">
    <p>Viewing user $.params.userid</p>

When a <form> is used inside an <v-page> tag the page path is included in the action path so it's params can be accesed inside the form (more on this later).

<v-page path="/list/listid" >
  <form v-name="create_entry" method="post" >

        insert into list_entries (listid, text) values ($.params.listid, $.body.text);

    <input name="text" type="text" required />